Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Time for Dancing

It is a shame so many miss things like full moon risings.  Sunrises send glorious shades of orange and red across the gray morning sky.  The moon is more subtle.  It does not command attention.  It just quietly breaks the edge of the place where earth meets sky and begins its work of shedding light in the midst of the growing darkness.  When watching the full moon's movement away from the edge of the earth into the field of stars above, it is no surprise to know that some have danced with hands waving in the air as they beheld its revealing glory.
And while there have been some in centuries past who have wrongly worshipped this rising heavenly orb, there is no doubt that it has the power to bring those who watch into a spirit of worship and adoration for the Creator who brought the rising moon into existence.  If creation does indeed have the power to point us toward the Creator and if it does have the ability to speak a word from the heart of God, then, perhaps, dancing in the moonlight is not such a far fetched idea. 
Certainly, the light of the full moon brings to mind the presence of the Light of the World and the words of the gospel writer John who wrote about Him, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it."  (John 1:5)   It is more than just the darkness of the night that this light of God penetrates and overcomes.  It is a light that has such power that the deepest  most unknown sin and the most overwhelming sense of guilt has no power to destroy our life.  This darkness which sometimes fills our spirit and seems to have the upper hand in everything we think about doing has no power at all when the heart is opened before the Christ who has come to shine the light of His love, His forgiveness, and His mercy upon it.  Maybe there is, after all, reason for dancing, if not in the fields, then in the sanctuaries. 

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