Monday, May 25, 2020

The Eternal Gift

We all walk in a field of blessings.  It is certain that we walk in fields that look differently, but no matter how it might seem, they are all fields of blessing.  It is not always easy for us to see that we walk midst a shower of blessings being poured upon our way and upon our heads.  We become so caught up seeing the things that bring us trouble that we begin to think that the only thing around us is today's trouble instead of today's blessing. 
Sometimes it takes some major change in our life to open our eyes.  It took retirement for me to realize how little I had been seeing.  We see the external things around us with the eyes given to us at birth, but those eyes are often blind to seeing the things the external things are showing us about our life and our walk with God.  Not everything is visible at first glance.  Seeing with the eyes of our spirit requires learning how to wait with patience, learning how to see the things which cannot be seen, and learning to recognize that everything holds some manifestation of the Holy One. 
The Apostle Paul obviously understood this reality since he wrote that verse which declares, "...give thanks in all circumstance; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."  (I Thessalonians 5:18)  One of things not seen in a lifetime is the reality that gratitude come naturally as we come to understand that we do walk in a field of blessings.  The circumstances may be hard.  They may seem like impossible obstacles in our life.  Circumstances, however, do not alter the fact that life is filled with blessings.  They really are constantly being given to us by the Creator.  No matter how difficult the road is before us, it still leads us through fields of blessing.  It is God's ongoing and eternal gift to us. 

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