Saturday, May 2, 2020

Cow Troubles

Anyone who keeps cows needs fencing.  Anyone who has fences with cows on the inside will have to learn how to mend fences.  The past couple of weeks there has been more than a little fence fixing going on around the farm.  As cows will do, one found a weak fence post, pushed it over, and tried the grass on the other side.  Hardly had the cow been enticed back inside the fence and new posts put in the ground when beavers in the neighbor's pond decided to cut down a tree and, of course, it fell across the fence causing more fence work. 
While I found the beaver break before the cows, a few days later I heard a bovine ruckus on the bottom side of the pasture next to the branch.  By the time I got to the place where a big limb had fallen out of the tree and onto the fence, several cows had meandered into the woods outside the fence line.  More cow calling and more fence fixing ensued.  What happened was the wind blew, the limb fell, and the cows got out once more.  It has just been a week or two of unexpected cow troubles.
Life is like a limb falling over the pasture fence.  Some times bad things just seem to happen.  It has nothing to do with what we do or have not done.  Things just happen.  Toward the end of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus spoke of what comes to both the wise and the foolish.  "The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house..."  (Matthew 7:25, 27)  While one house stood and one house fell, the stuff no one would choose came to both.  It just works that way.  When things just happen, they do so in an indiscriminate way.  The difference is in the one to whom it comes.  The difference is in Who the one to whom the bad stuff comes depends.

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