Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Final Word

Life never tells us what is ahead.  There are no signs telling us a winding snake like curve is ahead and neither are there any signs to warn that falling rocks may come rolling down.  And to be truthful is to admit that were there signs, they would likely be ignored by most of us.  It is still true that the unwanted moments which suddenly dump stuff on us come like some guest to the party whose presence is not expected or wanted.   

What we would keep away shows up in our lives anyway.  Ask anyone who looks a bit shaken and is wearing not tatoos but body and soul scars.  There is no way to read the gospels without seeing in many of  the verses the wisdom of Jesus as he talked about rain falling on the just and the unjust.  (Matthew 5:45)   Before I was eight years old I got wet in my first rainfall on that day my father died and only a few days ago I felt that same rain falling in what seemed like such a sunshining day.  There is no umbrella which keeps us from feeling the storms which threaten the status quo of our life.  

What is always out there is the One who put the spark of life in us when we still not formed in the darkness of the womb.  It may seem trite to some, but it is true that this God who brought us into being is not going to leave us alone, nor is He going to let some difficulty have the last word.  The hard word which seems to destroy our existence always seems to be spoken when we leave the graveyard, but what is always true is the way the resurrection morning story proclaims that no matter what it is that is out there ahead of us or surrounding us, we will get through to the glorious and sometimes invisible plan of God.  

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