Saturday, May 13, 2023

A Journey of Grace

Sometimes we are tempted to declare that our journey of faith begins on that day when we make a conscious choice to live according to the plan of God in our life, or when we say "Yes" to the call of Christ.  And, of course, there are many who point not to a particular moment, but to a season remembered as a time of beginning.  It happens both ways.  Some can point to a particular moment and some point to a general time.  What really matters is the coming to faith.   

But, if we are really seeking to note the beginning point we must carry ourselves back to the moment we were concerived in our mother's womb.  This is the moment the journey begins.  It begins not by our faith response, but through the grace of God which is operative in us and for us even though we are unable to recognize it for a moment that begins the journey toward Home.  As is the case with any journey, we may choose a  way not intended, a way that takes us away from the plan of the Creator of our soul, and a way that leads to brokenness instead of one that speaks of wholeness.  God's grace sets us forth on the right road, but we do not have to accept the road as the one we want to walk.  What does not change is God's grace.     

Even though we decide somewhere between conception and death that we want no part of what God is about in the world, His offer of grace and the availabilitiy of it remains.  Grace is never dependent on our choice.  It is dependent on God's choice and He is always in the process of choosing grace for us.  Faith is what enables us to embrace what God is seeking in our life and it speaks of our decision to walk according to that way, but it is always grace that keeps us on the road all the way Home.  

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