Saturday, May 6, 2023

A Hard Story

Methodist preaches are itinerant preachers.  This word not used much in ordinary language is a term which refers to a breed of preachers who move from one church to another according to the appointment of a Bishop.  The second appointment to which I went was Tennille.  Tennille was a one church appointment and as I arrived there from a three church appointment, I thought I had arrived.  It turned out to be a difficult appointment and I left for another church in just two years.    

And when I left for the next stop on the itinerant road, I carried with me some hurts, anger, and a spirit not yet ready to forgive. It is only hindsight which enables me to make such a confession.  At the time I thought everything had been worked out.  A few years after leaving I heard about a misfotune happening to one of those who were regarded as my antagonist and when my first reaction was, "He got what he deserved," I knew that my inner sense of gladness meant I had some serious heart work to do.  In that moment of a not so gentle prodding of the Spirit, I got rid of that anger and allowed the Spirit to lead me toward the peace of forgiveness.    

Some twenty years later I got a call inviting me to return for a Homecoming type event.  My first response was to make sure the preacher was sure he wanted me to come.  I did not want my presence to dig in old wounds which might cause him difficuties.  He assured me it was not just his invitation, but one which came from those within the church.  And, so I went and had a wonderful day of sharing in a mutual season of reconciliation which was filled with eager handshakes, words that came from forgiving hearts, and a regret that the past had not been handled differently.  Preachers and churches can sometimes get crossed up ending in contentious relationships which never really really get resolved.  I am grateful that the evil one lost another battle that he surely must have thought would forever belong to him.

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