Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Day Before

While I remember very well the day each of our daughters were born, I must confess to not remembering the day before each was born.  Of course, this is a rather strange thought.  It is actually a new one for me, but somehow or another on this day before my 74th birthday, I find myself thinking about the moment in my life which can only be known as the day before my birth, the day before my counting.  The only ones who really knew much about me then was my mother who knew my stirrings within her and my father whose hands surely felt the movement of a child not yet fully seen.    

And, of course, even though still unseen clearly by human eyes, the Word with which I have lived most of these years of the counting tells me that my Creator knew me first.  The Word says things like, "(He) formed my inward parts; (He) knit me together in my mother's womb; my frame was not hidden from (Him), (Psalm 139:13, 15)  The day before I became clearly visible to the eyes of my mother and father was not the first day I had been clearly seen.  The Father God and Creator had seen me and been watching since "before I was the womb..." (Jeremiah 1:5)    

I must confess to not being able to get my mind around such a reality.  Yet, one of the things surely learned on this long journey has been the fact that there are mysterious realities which exist in this creation around me and I have such little understanding when all that might be understood is considered.  Each one of us is filled with this divine mystery.  Our being here goes far beyond biological understanding and into the very hands of God where all that was and is and yet to be abide.  Thanks be to the Creator who brought us into such a marvelous world.

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