Friday, June 24, 2022

Gratitude and Joy

A few hours ago the night sky was lit up by powerful bolts of lightning racing from high above to the parched earth below faster than the eye could grasp what was really being seen.  And, of course, the accompanying thunder was loud enough to wake up the dead and rouse those beaten down by the hot sun from early dozing in the chair.  But, the great blessing was the sound of rain falling upon thirsty ground.  It was not much rain as rain is measured, but it was rain that sounded the assurance that surely it was only the beginning of a season that would bring renewal to a water thirsty earth.    

All through these very hot days of early summer are signs of life needing the renewing waters of heaven.  Tall corn ready to make ears is twisted in the sky, young fields of cotton droop in the sun, the grass seems to crackle when walked upon, and there is a never ending need to make sure livestock has ample water for the heat of the day.  Out here where the land produces what finds its way to home freezers and grocery store shelves, rain is not a luxury, but a necessity.  It is not an inconvenience, but a blessing.   

There have been times when this old man would like to be as a boy out dancing and playing in the rain when it falls.  If it were to be seen, know that it is not a sign of irrational behavior, but deep gratitude and joy.  There are moments when we know of our dependency on the Creator, moments when our hearts are filled with joy at His blessing, and a sadness and remorse than every day is not so lived.  

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