Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Coming of the Invisible

I knew something was out there even when it was invisible.  The first moment of awareness was subtle, superficial, and experienced at a sub-conscious level.  I heard a sound of something stirring in the tops of trees across the hayfield down in the branch.  As my mind began to recognize that something was coming, there was a quick cooling of the air, the taste of moisture in the air, and the feel of water falling on the back of my neck.  Only after I had  experienced the coming of the invisible through my senses did I actually see the drops of rain shining in shafts of sunlight. 
 Out of the realm of the invisible God comes making Himself known to us.  It happens through the ordinary moments of our life.  When we find ourselves standing in the threshold of glory about to break in upon us, it often is something which is first experienced more by our senses than anything which points to logic.  We are mostly skeptical of what cannot be understood, what cannot be seen clearly, and what is seen first by the eyes which are open to what cannot be seen.  Even as those who go out looking for love may not find it as quickly as those who are willing to wait and let love come to them, overwhelm them, and sweep them away, so is the hovering Spirit of the holy known in our lives.
It is always true that the Spirit of God dwells in us.  The Word makes it clear that there is something about our inner being which is a comfortable and desirable place for God's Spirit, but it is also true that the Spirit Who is within is  out there, beyond where we are, and invisible to eyes dulled by seeking only the things which promise much and give little.  As sure as the rain is heard in the distant trees announcing the invisible is coming, signs and sounds abound providing us with the awareness that the Holy One is drawing near.

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