Sunday, May 24, 2020

Blessed Beyond Measure

I am blessed beyond measure.  Late today between getting the cow troughs full and feeding the chickens, I sat for a quiet moment to marvel at the unique beauty of a lacecap hydrangea bush and the towering glory of a neighboring agapanthus.   A short walk took me into the garden where I spied the first cucumber of the season which will be a part of tomorrow's home grown salad.  Corn is silking.  The dirt under the potato bushes is overflowing with red potatoes and the first cup of blueberries for the year was picked, bowled, and taken into the house for an evening treat.  On the porch were fresh peaches left by an extended family member who came while no one was home.  I am blessed.  Beyond measure.
While the lifestyle of country living is not for everyone, I am grateful to have it as a part of my journey home.   Being able to share in growing what I eat makes me aware that what comes to the table does not come as easily as a trip to the grocery store might make it.  Somewhere back up the road there are people bending over with their hands in the dirt doing hard work from before sunrise to after sunset.  When what shows up on the table leaves the farm it goes through hands of food processors, truck drivers, and workers at the grocery store who keep the shelves stocked.  From beginning to end, it is hard work.  And each day we are blessed  beyond measure by the work of those we never see.  
Of course, the Creator has a hand in all of this.  He always has.  Out of what we cannot fathom, He not only created the dark dirt but bestowed upon it life giving power.  Anyone who has ever thrown a seed into the ground, covered it up with dirt, and waited has had the opportunity to share in one of the great miracles of the Creator God.   Waiting, watching, and finally seeing the seed break the ground brings to each one of us a moment of being blessed beyond measure. 

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