Friday, May 1, 2020

A Favorite Word

All of us have Scripture verses which we might call favorite ones.  Some like the 23rd Psalm have been with us a long time.  Others have come to us during different seasons of our life, but are remembered for the way they comforted us, or enabled us to make the journey from where we were to where we are.  Some of the ones we count as favorites come and go with the passing moments of our days.  And some, of course, stay with us and are words to which we go back to from time to time in the ordinary moments of our life.
Romans 8:11 is a word which came to me some years ago and which is kept on the front side of my memory.  It says, "The spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you...." While there is more to the verse than just this phrase, it is this simple word which has sustained me through many days.  Like the doctrine of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is often difficult for us to understand, or define.  But, this verse from Romans tells me truths that overwhelm and keep me going.  It  is a word which tells us that one of the works of the Holy Spirit was to raise Jesus from the dead.  Jesus walked into the morning of the resurrection because the power of the Spirit was unleashed in that dark tomb. 
As amazing as is that truth, how much more amazing is the truth that this same all powerful, life giving, dead raising Holy Spirit has taken up residence in our heart.  Hardly had the work of grace and faith done the work of bringing light to a dark sinful heart when the Holy Spirit moved to begin a work which only ends when the last breath of earth's air is breathed.  The Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwell in us.  He works in us to shape our inner being into the image and spirit of the Christ.  It is amazing that such a One would choose to do such a work in the likes of me and you.

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