Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why Parables?

The disciples asked the question long ago.  "Why do you speak to them in parables?"  (Matthew 13:10)  It seems that Jesus could have avoided a lot of confusion and misunderstanding by just saying what He was saying.  There are times when the truth of one of Jesus' parables just stares you in the face, but there are also times when we read and wonder if there might not be something we are missing.  They are simply not as easy as a tried and true three point sermon!

Jesus answered the question of the disciples that day.  A few verses later we hear Him saying, "The reason I speak to them in parables is that 'seeing they do not perceive, and hearing they do not listen, nor do they understand.' " (Matthew 13:13)  The answer is for many of us hardly an answer at all, but just adds to our head scratching.  Certainly parables are not the favorite of the "give it to me in one or two simple points people."  Parables require some thinking and figuring.  They require some sitting and thinking and meditating.  Those with everything already figured out and who are in a hurry to get where they are going are those who will never have much use for parables. 

It really does not appear that Jesus was trying to speak in some religious code.  Nor does it seem that He was afraid that someone with authority and power might figure out what He was really about with His ministry.  He did not use the parables to hide spiritual truths.  Instead, it appears that He used parables to help people do some of the hard work which is necessary for spiritual growth to take place.  A parable is like an invitation to "Go figure" and when we do we are far more likely to see some Kingdom door opening up for us enabling us to see a truth not seen by those whose hearts are not open to the possibility that God is trying to say something new in our midst. 

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