Saturday, July 13, 2019

Reminders of the Trinity

As we delve into understanding Celtic spirituality, we learn very quickly that it is a Trinity oriented tradition.  When the midwife would deliver the newborn child midst the gathered birthing women, she would touch the child three times with water, once for the Father, once for the Son, and once for the Holy Spirit.  This first baptism proclaimed blessings of the Trinity from the very beginning.  The practice of invoking the blessings of the Trinity began at that moment and continued through the prayers prayed during the ordinary things of daily life.
The doctrine of the Trinity is, of course, a part of our own spiritual tradition, but it is something which is more a part of our head and intellect and not something really known and experienced in our heart.  One of the thing I have recently found myself doing to be reminded of the presence of the Holy Trinity in my daily life is to take three handfuls of water and splashing them on my face saying, "Bless me now, Father....Bless me now Christ....Bless me now Holy Spirit."  It is such a simple thing borrowed from the Celtic tradition, but it brings me to a moment of intentionally seeking the blessings of God, and Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

The Celtic tradition is one which invokes and recognizes the presence of the Trinity in all the mundane things of life.  The lighting of the fire in the hearth in the morning and laying up the ashes in the evening, making the food for the family, and watching the day come and go are all ordinary mundane moments when the heart is turned toward the holy presence which is as near as the moment which is about to come.  I am one of those who needs reminders for in the going from one thing and place to another, it is easy to falsely think that it is all about me when it is the blessing of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit which moves me along in my journey. 

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