Monday, April 8, 2019

Blessings and Gratitude

Every time I pick up my Gratitude Journal from the table, I find myself feeling guilt first and then thanksgiving.  The guilt rises as I realize how few entries I have made in the days which are hardly in the past.  While I do not see myself as a person who is ungrateful, the discipline of recording those things for which I am grateful is a difficult one.  I have good intentions, but somehow those intentions never get the kind of expression for which I hoped. 
One of the  things I have discovered about gratitude is that I am a more grateful person as I allow myself to look at the world and everything in it as a blessing.  There is so much happening in the creation around me which blesses me and to be in tune with these blessings creates a deeper sense of gratitude.  It is easy to be thankful for the big things like sunsets and stars at night and cool breezes on a hot day, but there are so many little things constantly happening which we experience; yet, do not really see as something that is bringing blessing into our lives.
I watched a couple of bees flitting around the other day.  They blessed me with a moment of joyful entertainment as I watched their shenanigans, but they also bless me by doing the pollination work in the blueberry patch.  I ran into an old friend for a few moments the other day and together we touched a mutual care and appreciation for each other.  Nothing much to the conversation, but the personal contact was a blessing.  And then there is this glass of ice water in front of me.  It is such a simple thing, but blesses me in many ways.  The old song has it right when it calls us to "count our blessings, one by one."  It does surprise you to see what God has done and is doing.  Makes you grateful, too. 

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