Monday, April 15, 2019

A Different View

Any reading of the Old Testament enables us to understand that God is not a dis-interested party when it comes to the affairs of the nations.  The Hebrews were granted their desire for a king even though it was allowed with reluctance.  It was not an expression of the divine intention, but then, the divine intention never is so poured in cement that there is no room for the expression of human free will.  And when we read the words of the prophets, it becomes even clearer that God had not stepped back from involvement in the affairs of nations.  He even used pagan non believing rulers for His purposes.
Even King David recognized that his authority was subject to authority of God.  In verse 4 of Psalm 67 we hear the Word of God being spoken through his writings, "...You (God) the nations upon the earth."   In our contemporary political world we have come to a place of living out a belief that what happens with a nation and among nations has nothing to do with God, but everything to do with its political leaders and political processes.  It never really seems apparent that those leaders see themselves as instruments in the hands of God to achieve His purposes for His people.  Too often those who lead see themselves as being the ones who hold the power card. 
To try to look at the current world of ours through the lens of Old Testament theology is a difficult thing for us because we have gone so long disregarding the possibility that God is still involved in the affairs of nations and is still working out His ways through the political processes we hold so dear.  But, our disregard for what is a reality within  the Kingdom of God does not change the truth that "God guides the nations."  While politicians might look at this reality as an impossibility, such thinking only says more about their heart's desires than God's.

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