Monday, February 25, 2019

Why Not Now?

Some say the Day of Pentecost is a once in history event.  It was so extraordinary it could not possibly happen again.  However, when we come to the end of chapter 10 in the book of Acts, it seems that it did not take nearly as long as today's nay-sayers would have thought.  Verse 44 of that chapter says, "While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word."   A little later Peter would report to the new church pillars in Jerusalem, "As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them just as it had upon us at the beginning."  (Acts 11:15)   There was no doubt in Peter's mind that the second was a cousin to the first.  He would know as he was present at both. 
Even though there had been ample warning that such a thing was possible (Acts 10:34),  those who were travelling with Peter were astounded.  No one could have imagined such a powerful work of the Spirit in Caesarea.  Just like with the Jews in Jerusalem, Gentile people were speaking in tongues and extolling God in Caesarea.  (Acts 11:46)  Despite this repeat of Pentecost and other similar moments described in the book of Acts, it still remains difficult for today's believers to be anything but today's skeptics when it comes to believing that the Holy Spirit could do something so extraordinary with the church that the only explanation would be "a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit."

 The church is surely in need of some great, all powerful cleansing work of the Holy Spirit.  It is under siege by the world which surrounds as well as from those within who would sow seeds of compromise.  What we have learned through experience is the bankruptcy of committees, programs, conferences, clever ideas and money driven agendas.  All promise to deliver the church.  None have.  The Holy Spirit seems to be all that is still untried.  If in Jerusalem, and then Caesarea, why not here?  If then, why not now?

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