Sunday, February 17, 2019

Faith Stretching Moments

The Asbury Revival of 1970 was an extraordinary moment of being in a place where the Holy Spirit came with such power and fullness that all those gathered could do was take off their shoes.  It was for me one of those spiritual experiences which not only brought change, but also continued through the years to have shaping power. After a couple of days, I joined with a few other guys and went to share what God was doing at Asbury.  One of the places we went was Olivet Nazarene College. 
We arrived while there was a planned campus revival taking place.  It had nothing to do with what was happening at Asbury, but then again, it did.   The few of us went and asked the campus pastor if we could share about the Asbury Revival.  His guest preacher was present ready to preach the evening service.  After a brief conversation he did an amazing thing.  He agreed to let us speak to the gathering of students.  One of our group started sharing and students started coming to the altar.  The guest preacher never got to preach. 
This remembrance came to mind as I was reading that part of the 9th chapter of Acts which talks about the Jerusalem leadership being afraid of the newly converted Saul of Tarsus.  They knew him only as an antagonist to the gospel.  They would not accept him until Barnabas stepped forward and spoke in his behalf.  (Acts 9:27)  There were a few times over the years of my ministry when the Spirit brought someone into my presence in much the same way I showed up at Olivet Nazarene College and the way Saul showed up in Jerusalem.  Sometimes the Holy Spirit gives us opportunities which stretch our faith and enable us to be a part of something He is doing in our midst.  And while we may stand in the moment fearful and hesitant, such moments can also be moments when the Holy Spirit is ready to unleash some powerful Kingdom moment in our lives. 

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