Sunday, June 17, 2018

Out of Step

Not too long ago I heard a preacher preaching about the way the church was treated in the good old days.  As it was put, there was a time when the church had clout in the world, but no longer.  The example used to point out the loss of clout was the way the recreation department scheduled ballgames and practices on Sunday morning.  In the good old days, such would never be done.  But, this is not that day.  It is another day. 
I am not sure the preacher had it right.  The reason such things happens is because people in the church let it happen.  Whenever there is a schedule conflict between the recreation department's schedule and the church's schedule, it is a no- brainer for most folks.  No self respecting parent would ever consider not allowing their child to show up for a game.  If it is in conflict with something happening at the church, the church seldom wins.  Maybe seldom is too strong a word.  Maybe never is the better word. 
If the church has lost its clout, it has nothing to do with another community endeavor encroaching on its schedule, but the willingness of the folks in the church to acquiesce.  After a little grumbling such is what usually happens.  Maybe it is the fault of those of us who are preachers and spiritual leaders.  Maybe we have been preaching a gospel message that is compromised by a desire to tickle ears and entertain listeners.  Maybe we have forgotten to sound the message that Jesus calls us to make hard choices that cause us to be out of step with the community and the world. 

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