Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Slow Down

The part of our life that is given over to spiritual disciplines is not to be a hurried and measured time.  Too often we lay the Bible down beside the clock.  We say we do it to keep our commitment time, but sometimes it seems more that we want to be sure we do not go over.  In the beginning of our spiritual journey, duty is what drives us and not so much our desire for God.  It is not really necessary to measure the quiet part of our journey with minutes.  What is far more important is knowing that a connection has been made which settles our soul and sets us out on our journey with God once again.
The disciplined moments are best when they are unmeasured and unhurried.  Within such moments there is time for speaking and time for listening.  There is time for reading and reflection.  There is time for learning and soaking.  The hurried spirit is never a spirit that has been soaked with the Word, or soaked in the still and peaceful presence of the Holy Spirit.  The hurried spirit is anxious to get back to the important stuff of life even while engaging itself in the most important stuff of the soul.
It is the soul which serves as our connecting point with the God who has created us.  How strange that it is the most neglected part of our life.  While many often get up early to go the gym for a physical workout before going to work, not as many get up early to tend to the quiet moments with God which strengthen the spirit and empower the soul  One of the most dangerous things we do with our life is hurry.  It takes us out of the present and away from being able to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit who has taken up residence in our soul.

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