Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Twelve

Maybe Abraham had only one son (two counting Ishmael), and Isaac had only two, but Jacob had twelve.  Of course, Jacob had two wives who gave him sons as did their two maids.  Four women and twelve sons.  A summation of all this is found in Genesis 35:23-26.  But, what is interesting about all this is not the number of sons or the number of different women who gave him sons, but the difference in the way God viewed Abraham having a son by Hagar, a slave woman, and Jacob having two sons by Bilhah, Rachel's maid, and two more  by Zilpah, Leah's maid.  All these sons are lumped together and known as fathers of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
I wonder why God pushed Ishmael outside the family and included the sons of Jacob who were born by maids.  Why, I wonder, did God not respond to what seems to be basically the same kind of situation in a more consistent manner?  Why honor these four sons of the maids of Jacob and make the son born of Hagar an outcast?  It seems that Ishmael got a bump rap from God. 
One of the things we want from God is consistency.  We want Him to do for one like he does for the other.  Of course, it does not work out that way.  He is consistent in being one who gives love and mercy, grace and goodness to all.  Expressions of His nature do not change from one person to another.  But, the reality is God is God and the way He leads and blesses different folks is up to Him and according to His individual purpose.  Our life with God is not like another person, but is one that reflects God's personal relationship with each one of us.   

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