Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Plan for the Future

When we read the book of Genesis, we come to understand rather quickly that in the beginning God created a lot of stuff.  Important stuff.  He created the sun, the stars, the sky, the seas, and the seeds.  Big things and little things.  One of the most important, if not the most important, big thing created was the sun.  And, when it comes to the little things, what could be more important than seeds.  Seeds are so small, we almost miss the creative power at work bringing them into being.  ""Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with seed in it."  (Genesis 1:11)  The next time you hold a tiny seed in your hand, remember that God held them first in His hands. 
While some may see nothing as significant as the creation of the sun in the creation of the seeds, a moment of reflection brings the importance of this creative act into a proper perspective.  The vegetation brought into being included a plan for the future.  Seed speaks of God's plan for the future.  Anyone who plants seed and grows plants or fruit trees or vegetables knows that at the end of the harvest, there is a production of seed which can be saved and planted another year to provide for another harvest.  The tomato we relish in the summer has seeds in it which can provide fruit in still another year. 
When God created, He not only created for the present, but for the future.  Everything put in place was put in place for a reason.  This especially includes something as small and insignificant as a seed.  But, it is not just the future for which God had a plan in the beginning, but our future.  Even before the beginning, He had in view what people like you and me would need to survive and sustain life on this planet He created.  With such a thought in mind, He brought the tiny seed into the creation.  Hold the seed in your hand.  Look at it.  Know that God has a plan for you.

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