Thursday, March 28, 2024

Holy Thursday

There are so many good texts embedded in the Thursday events of Holy Week that any preacher has to smack his or her lips at the variety of preaching opportunities.  On Holy Thursday it is not a question of finding a test, but of deciding which of the many will be preached.  The text abound:  the foot washing recorded by John, the last meal with the disciples, the betrayal of Judas and Simon Peter, the garden moments, the prayers, and the final teachings.  But, of course, there is more here than just something to help preachers on Holy Thursday.  Instead, it opens a window into the heart of Christ.   

It is a day of amazement.  Jesus not only gave the bread and offered the cup to the disciples, but He also offered it to Judas who he knew was about the betray Him.  He could recognize the evil, the injustice, and the self righteousness which was swirling around Him, yet, His heart stayed focused on loving those who meant Him nothing but harm.  His presence among us on Thursday enables us to see the spirit which would prevail in Him until He drew His last breath.    

It must not be lost midst all the stories and all the good preaching texts that Jesus did what He did for our sake.  To the very end He was teaching us and showing us where obedience to the Father's will takes the faithful.  In addition to lessons about obedience, He illustrated to us on Thursday what it means to flesh out unconditional love.  He went through all kinds of suffering as a part of the plan of God which enabled you and me to be free of the power and sin and the weight of guilt.  These are things we must not forget on Holy Thursday.

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