On the sixth day the volume got turned up. A creation once quiet except for water moving and wind racing across the land was suddenly jarred by the sound of sea monsters splashing and birds singing. As loud as those sounds might have seemed against the sound of the silent creation, there was more to come. What might have been like a whisper became amplified by the braying of donkeys, the roar of lions, the barking of squirrels, and the trumpeting of elephants. Every animal that crept on the ground offered its distinctive sound in the rising crescendo of praise in this newly created chorus.
God may have been ready to reach for his ear plugs, but there was still another noisy creature to be brought forth. "Let us make humankind in our image, in the image of God He created them." (Genesis 1:27) Walks in the Garden at the time of the evening breeze would no longer be quiet. Not only would there always be some critter dancing in the brush, or swinging through the trees, but the man and the woman would always be talking. The quiet walks in the stillness of creation would be forever gone, but then the Creator , "...saw everything that He had made, and indeed, it was very good." Not good. Very good!
The sixth day is like the new day which comes with the rising of every sun. Anyone who ventures out just before the sun starts bringing its soft presence to the horizon has heard the creation seem to wake up with birds and animals joining together like some heavenly chorus to honor God with their praises. On those mornings when glory is indeed all around, those who dare to rise and see this early morning mystery often hear an invitation to take the voice given by the Creator to join the morning chorus. When we hear that rising chorus, may there be no timidity in us. It is a moment for singing. So, let us sing!
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