Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Frightening Word

There are times when we go to the Word of God out of habit, or because it is a daily duty, and then there are times when we go out of hunger for a Word from Him.  We open the pages looking and hoping and wondering if there will be something which so resonates with our spirit that we know it has to be from God.  What is surprising to us is that when such a Word comes, we are surprised.  We wonder if it is what it is, or if it is coincidence, or just something we want it to be. 

 Instead of racing to tell others God has spoken, we simply sit for a spell with a bit of lingering doubt and wondering awe.  Finally, there comes that moment when we allow faith to take hold and claim what God has said, and, perhaps, is promising.  While such moments are filled with a quiet euphoria and an assurance that we are not alone, it is also a most frightening moment because it means that something about our life is on the edge of changing,  Questions begin to roll over us like a thick rolling fog causing us in an instant to lose sight of our moorings to the past which is always the first step toward moving into the unknown future God is slowly clearing for us to see. 

Before we walk confidently and boldly into this new place or season God is preparing for us, we may find ourselves taking small, cautious, tentative steps.   It is a natural thing to hold to the past.  It is secure. It is where we have some sense of being in control.  It feels safe.  It is not, however, where we will have our hunger satisfied.  We will find no nourishment in leftover stale bread from the past.  We will only be nourished and satisfied as we take the new Word God is speaking to us and daring to let it lead us toward  His purposes for us.   

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