Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Still His

Today's journey took me through Vidalia.  It was my privilege to pastor the Vidalia Church for ten years as the last century was coming to a close.  While I was there, the church bought two pieces of adjoining property.  One had an old house which in its last days served as office space and the other was an old gas station that had been abandoned for some time.  We (the church) bought it even though we did not know what to do with it.  We saw it as land adjacent to the church which was not likely to be available again, but we also figured the Lord had a plan for it even though we were unable to see it.  Today it provides a thrift store ministry and a strong child care ministry.   

I went in the church for what I thought would be a trip down memory lane.  I was surprised.  A staff member was in the building and he led a tour that included stories of how God was at work.  It was exciting to hear the way God has used some of the seeds for the future which He put in our hands years ago.  As the stories were shared I could not help but remember some of the prayers that had been offered to God years ago and how the stories spoke of God hearing and responding.    

In these days it seems easy to find fault with the church.  It is not hard to find someone who is willing to talk about its failures and shortcomings.  Today as I walked through that sacred space again, I could not help but be reminded by the Spirit that God is still at work in and through His church.  It may be flawed.  It may not be perfect, but signs and wonders do still abound because the Spirit has not yet given up on His church.  As it is with each of us, so it is with the church.  God is not through with it yet.

1 comment:

John Tyson said...

What a wonderful reminder for us all.