Monday, July 1, 2024

A Church Triumphant

My Bible reading discipline has taken me to I Peter.  I remember other reads along the way.  I remember it is a letter to a church facing persecution.  One of my favorite verses is found in the second chapter.  "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of Him who called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light.  Once you were no people, but now you are God's people..." (I Peter 1:9)   It is such a  powerful Word!  Anyone who thinks they are of no value should read this Word daily.   

What I know is that there is much more than just this single Word which blesses me in so many ways.  It is a Word that speaks of who I am in the eyes of God.  Secondly, it speaks of His purpose in blessing me as He has.  It is a Word which speak of belonging and being a  part of something which transcends any matter I might pursue.  As I consider some of the obvious truths being proclaimed in these few words, I find myself eager to read and discover more of the truths which the Spirit has put inside this small letter from the Apostle Peter.  

It is not a long letter.  Neither is it a letter which requires a theological dictionary as might be the case for some of us when we read Paul's letter to the Romans.  There are a number of reasons for reading this letter in these days, but one of the things which we will surely hear as we read it is that God is going to prevail against any group or anything which is perceived to be an antagonist to His church.  It is good to remember that there is nothing we, or someone like us, can do to destroy God's Church.  It is here.  It is here to stay!  It is here to be triumphant and it will!

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