Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Big Promise

The Word of God is full of promises.  An old gospel hymn reminds us we can stand on the promises of God.  His promises are sure footing.  Some of those promises are within the range of what we regard as possible, but there are others which seem beyond anything possible.  One such promise is found in John 14:12-14.  It records a teaching of Jesus and says, "Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.  I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If in my  name you ask Me for anything, I will do it."    

Here is an amazing text and a powerful promise.  The first time I read this text and it really took hold was back when I was at the Vidalia Church preparing to preach at a District Conference.  This Word of Jesus took hold of me and I preached what was surely a feeble sermon when it was laid alongside the inherent power of the Word of Christ being proclaimed in these verses of Scripture.  The thing our ego often helps us to miss is that we can be enabled to greater works not because we are so spiritually put together, but because of the implied partnership of Christ held forth in these verses.  Our impossibilities become possibilities and realities when Jesus touches them.   

The end results of our reaching toward the improbable possibilities and realities of God may never be seen by our eyes. Even as seeds cast into the ground take time to germinate, break the surface of the ground, and grow into a harvest, so does it often take time for what we offer to Christ as an act of love to take root and grow into something which can transform lives and circumstances.  Jesus made it clear in one of His teachings that as disciples we are sowers of the Word.  The rest is up to Him.  It is all about a holy partnership.  We share in a ministry of greater things because of that partnership.

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