Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Divine Leading

When we think that God's leading us is limited to some grandiose moment, or to some calling which sets the course for our life, we are likely to miss out on the extraordinary way God leads those who seek His way over any other way.  Some may hold that life is more about coincidence, or the location of the stars, or a destiny set by birth, but the Word teaches us a different way.  Our Father God is not one who brings us into His creation and then stands back to see how we fare.  Instead, the Word teaches us that we are never deserted by Him, never forsaken by Him, and most assuredly never forgotten by Him.    

But, to understand His leading is to know it is not about what He does not do, but about what He does.  When we look at the way God led Abraham, Moses, the many women whose stories are told in the gospel, as well as the disciples, we see a story which speaks of ongoing, intimate, and intentional involvement.  The leading offered by God is not a once and done kind of thing, but something which touches our life every day we breathe this earth's air.  To read the teachings of Jesus and the Holy Spirit is to see that divine leading, divine presence, and divine care is a daily matter.  It could even be said that it is a moment by moment matter.    

There is no reason to step forward into any day's sunrise without an inner assurance that God is planting our feet on the floor, is going to sustain and provide according to our needs, and is leading us into the always unfolding moments of expressing His love and care to others whom He will put in our path.  God may lead some to pulpits and platforms to speak to thousands, but most of us will be led to the stranger who bumps into us in the grocery store, the working servant at the cash register, or some friend or family member who may need nothing more than a listening ear and a receptive heart.  God has a daily plan for each of us.  He has some way in mind for us to be useful for His Kingdom's work each day and He is always leading us toward it.

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