Friday, March 22, 2024

Reticent No More

So many of us are shy about our God talking.  We can talk about most any subject with ease and comfort, but when the subject of conversation shifts to God, we suddenly get tongue tied and confused about which word should come out of our  mouth next.  This does not happen for lack of belief, nor does it happen for lack of knowledge.  We have lived with both belief and knowledge since our first days at Sunday School.  

Part of the reason for our reticence is our fear that we fear someone might think we are one of those "goodie two shoes," or an even greater fear is that we might offend someone.  It is true enough that when we start talking in normal conversation about our belief that our life is directed by God, some folks start looking for the exit light.  We often let someone else's discomfort keep us from speaking the truth we hold close to our heart even those to whom we speak have no difficulty speaking of their belief that life is about chance and coincidence.  

It is our belief that we are who we are because of Christ and that we are where we are because His hand upon us as we go.  It is a word that speaks of something which is the core of life.  Why should we not be eager to speak of it, or Him?  Let us be reticent no more! 

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