Friday, July 7, 2023


With our government's decision to provide cluster bombs to Ukraine, it seems that an already deadly battlefield and landscape is suddenly going to become more dangerous and deadly.  It will become more dangerous not only for the soldiers who are fighting this war, but for the civilian population of women and children who will be maimed and killed by these small bombs which do not always explode upon contact with the ground.  To say that war is a terrible thing is a gross understatement of reality.  It is the greatest of tragedies when men and women kill one another as a war demands that they do.  The use of cluster bombs only compounds the horror.     

Would that politicians and national leaders would work as hard at making peace as they do at making war.  While it always seems that Jesus does not fit into the political landscape of the world, His teachings and life always have life giving power.  In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."  (Matthew 5:9)  In a world where we have more than enough ways of killing one another, we need the peacemakers who will continue to raise their voices against the increased human carnage.    

As is always the case the few who have power make the decisions which impact the morality of the way our nations conducts itself.  A life time friend called me tonight deeply concerned about the moral choices being made by those in power and asked me to pray with him for our nation.  I am grateful for his call and his concern.  I have mostly been out of the news loop in the last few months, but his concern has jolted me into a commitment to join him in prayer.  I know there are others who have had enough of the news of war and long for news of peace.  May God bless our combined prayers in the Kingdom's work of peace making.

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