Friday, July 28, 2023

Morning Stillness

This new day brings with it such a stillness.  To see out beyond the open door is to see stillness.  Nothing seems to be moving.  Pecan limbs and leaves which often seem to have a life of their own are now just out there hanging without any hint of wanting to  be moved.  Even the cows which are grazing a little further beyond the trees seem to move in such slow motion that they, too, appear to have joined the morning stillness.  It would seem that all the creation in which I am immersed is in a moment of anticipation, a  moment of waiting, a moment of expection of something still not here.    

My heart longs for such stillness.  It is a moment of being gripped by those words of the Psalmist, "As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for You, O God.  My soul thirsts for God, for the living God."  (Psalm 42:1)  My soul is like the soul of those unseen souls who are a part of my life.  They, too, hunger for God.  They, too, long for the stillness which is seen outside to be the stillness known in the inside where we have learned to know the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.   I wait, but not alone.  Together we wait. 

As the stillness of creation speaks of waiting with anticipation so are we called to live if we are truly in step with the plan of God which is always unfolding around us and in us.   He is always out there about to come; and yet, mysteriously enough, He has already come.  In such an awe filled place we are blessed to live.  Even though present with us, as we allow the stillness to fill us with the anticipation which is a part of that moment, we can expect to soon feel the stirrings of that gentle Spirit which will once again bring signs of new life coming into being within us.  

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