Saturday, February 11, 2023

Asbury Revival 2023

Every Pentecost the chuch remembers those words from the book of Acts which says, "I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh...."  (Acts 2:12)  It is a much prayed for blessing on the part of many who long for a spiritually transformed church.  Today this promise is being fulfilled at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky.  A revival began at chapel last Wednesday and has continued without interruption throughout he week. How long it will continue is known only to God.  

When I was a student there in 1970 a similar outpouring of the Holy Spirit took place and classes were canceled for eight days as the revival services continued in the Auditorium.   Some might hear about this current revival and think of it as a story to be read about online, but it so much more.  There is no way to measure the spiritual impact such a moment is having on the people who are there as well as the people who are savoring the pictures, videos, and testimonies which are flooding social media platforms.  There is no way to measure how it will impact the troubled church of ours as leaders for tomorrow are being shaped now in the hands of the Holy Spirit.   

Why this tremendous outpouring of the Holy Spirit is happening now at a place unknown to most people is as much a mystery as it was 53 years ago, but the reality that God has chosen this moment to do a divine work in the lives of His people cannot be questioned.  Some are dropping whatever it is they thought to be important to go and those of us who cannot go can pray that this outpouring of God's Spirit will not only impact a single university campus, but touch distant places across the world.  

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