Wednesday, January 19, 2022


One of the images which appears strongly in Celtic spirituality is the image of life unfolding.  What is up the road in our faith journey is not something which is always visible, but instead, is something which unfolds before us.  And neither does it unfold completely, all at one time, but partially as we go along.  When John spoke of Jesus calling disciples with the words, "Come and see,"  (John 1:39)  he invokes this image of things unfolding.     

It is never true that the way forward is seen all the way to the end when we begin our journey of faith.  Actually, the way forward paved with faith in Christ is only as clear as the next step and sometimes even that anticipated step causes us to hesitate because we are not sure about the firmness of the ground out there ahead of us.  The way Christ walks ahead of us is not laid out for us to see, but a way that unfolds before us giving us a view of only what is necessary and required for the moment.  

When Jesus said, "Come and see," those who heard and responded had no idea where the road was going.  And as we read their story in the gospel, it is clear that there is always the unknown and mysterious dimension out there ahead of them.  It always seems that they are out there on this road with Jesus, listening and learning, and trying to figure it out as they go.  Everything that happened in their lives did not happen in a predictable manner, but slowly unfolded before them.  And with each act of life unfolding before them, they were called to respond with faith for the rest of the  journey.  It still works that way for each one of us.  We follow Christ in faith as the road unfolds and takes us to know-not-where. 

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