Saturday, January 1, 2022

Everything Depends on Everything

I saw my first pink peach blossom of the year today.   And, of course, a closer look revealed a peach tree on the threshold of budding.   I wonder if it is too early.  If the peach tree blooms and freezing weather comes, the peach crop is in danger.  The peach tree thrives on just the right balance of cold and not so cold.  It, like other fruit trees, requires a certain number of what the experts call chill hours, but if this chill become freezing,  there may be no peaches.  As I looked at that first single peach blossom, it occurred to me that everything depends on everything.   

The creation brought into being by our Creator God proclaims this message in many ways.  The Genesis record speaks of an ordered, precise, one step after another, creation process and what we are really only beginning to grasp is the way everything is connected to everything and when any part of the creation is disrupted, or out of sync, the whole is affected.   This should say something to us about the way we choose to live.  What is true for the peach tree growing toward making peaches is true for the people who tend them and the people who enjoy eating its fruit.  

We cannot grow toward the fullness of our life without this dependency on everything.  Not even the hermit who lives in a hut in the wilderness lives outside this circle of dependency.  Our homes are constructed from some kind of building material, what we do and how we live is dependent on the weather, and to sit at the table for a meal is a reminder of our dependency on everything.   And at a not so visible way, we are affected by the attitudes we carry, the grudges we bear, and the gratitude we express toward our Heavenly Father for His continued goodness.  Everything depends on everything and this includes each one of us.  

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