Sunday, June 6, 2021

No Reason for Apologies

When we think of things we might do for folks who are facing some kind of trouble, we often come to a moment of almost being apologetic that all we can do is pray.   Does this mean that prayer is not better than being able to cook a meal, or run errands, or do some needed yard work?  Certainly, we know that prayer is better than any of these things, but we usually think that there is more value in doing something that is visible instead of the act of praying which is always invisible.    

Actually, praying for someone is a very special gift.  The moments we set aside for prayer are precious times in that we are putting ourselves in a special sacred space with God our Father.  To take part of that time and devote it in an expression of concern and intercession is a gift beyond measure.  While we may not know the results of our praying, no prayers are unheard and wasted.  God may not respond to our praying in the way we would choose, but He always hears and He always responds in such a way as to bring good into the life of the one for whom we pray.    

The Word of God from beginning to end speaks of the value of praying.  Jesus taught us to pray not just in the model prayer we pray Sunday after Sunday, but through His teaching and His example.  Whenever we devote moments to prayer, we are entering into a special relationship that has unique and unparalleled results.  There is no reason to be apologetic for only being able to pray.  Instead, we should breathe a prayer of gratitude that God has provided a way for us to share in the good He is about in the lives of others.  

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