Thursday, April 9, 2020


As I have walked the last few days through this trouble that is upon us, I have found myself singing over and over those words from Handel's "Messiah,"  "Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people..."  Actually, what I would like is to hear some of my talented music friends singing this again as I have heard them do in the past.  Nonetheless, it is a remembrance that has drawn me back to the first verse of the 40th chapter of Isaiah where the Word of God reads, "Comfort, O comfort my people, says Your God." 
Surely, these are days when many are in need of holy comfort.  Surely, these are days when most of us need this comfort that comes from the One who has created us.  It is easy to feel alone in these days of being separated from others, from our regular routine, and from our external sources of spiritual encouragement.  And while so many of us struggle midst unusual and trying living circumstances, there are also those who are struggling in the throes of dying.  So many are in need of this holy comfort that God seeks to offer.
Often times we find ourselves thinking that we do not know what to say, or how to pray when the trouble of these days seems to settle over us, or those we love.  Many things are obvious to the eye, but to read these words from the Word brings a reminder that as God works to heal and make whole, He pours out comfort upon His people.  "Holy Father, comfort us as we walk through these uncertain times.  Comfort us when our fears have taken the place of faith.  Comfort those who walk now in the valley where the long shadows of death are heavy and deep.  Comfort those who are dying with a deep sense of Your comforting holy presence.  Comfort us all, Father, with the assurance that You will bring us through these days to life.  In the name of Your Son we pray.  Amen"

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