Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Word From a Tiny Tree

Back before Christmas two bare root Japanese Maples were planted here on the farm.  A little less than two feet tall, there were nothing more than a stem with a few small branches when they were put in their place in the dirt.  During these months of winter I have watched them wondering if they had survived.  Finally, it seemed reasonable to think that what was seen above ground had not really been nurtured by the life giving soil in which they were planted. 
After giving up hope, a glancing look in the direction of these trees caused a need for a second look.  Much to my surprise, almost invisible buds of life were showing at the top of these tiny trees.   And, then the bigger trees around here have been sending their own message as well.  The pecan trees are budding and showing small green leaves against the blue sky.  Folks around here have always said that when the pecan trees start showing leaves, winter is over.  I have become a believer.  Both the tiny Japanese Maple seedlings and the towering pecan trees have sounded a word today that a new season is coming. 

In this season of such trouble, we are all looking for a new season.   We are looking for a season in which life flourishes, a season where hope abounds, and where once again touch is not taboo.  The Word of God tells us, "For everything there is a season..."  (Ecclesiastes 3:1)  This season of trouble will pass and a new one full of life will come again.  It always has worked this way.  This time is no different.  Though trouble seems to have the upper hand today, surely we will soon see signs which assure us that a new season is about to break forth upon us.  Such a powerful word was spoken with divine power today through a tree so tiny it takes a second look to see it. 

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