Sunday, March 29, 2020

Changing Seasons

The book of creation that God has written and opened for us to read reveals the reality of the changing seasons.  And, as the writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us, there are more than four seasons within the creation.  The calendar four are more artificial than the ones the Creator of the Word points out to us in this Old Testament passage.  "For everything there is a season, and a time for everything under the heaven..."  (Ecclesiastes 3:1) 
Seasons are a permanent part of the creation, but they are also ever changing.  We see this very clearly as we live through the progression of the four featured by the calendar  As we reflect upon our life we begin to see that we have lived through the progression of many, many seasons.  Some of them we might not have called a season, but they bear the marks of one, nonetheless.  And while we have been through many seasons of trouble, this one which is now upon us will likely be one long remembered.  As we stand in the midst of it, no one knows how long it will hover over us and when it will finally pass. 

What we do know is that there will finally come a day when sorrow will be replaced by joy.  No seasons are permanent.  Looking at what God reveals to us through the creation and what He says through the Word gives us this assurance.  While this does not change the reality around us, it does give us hope for a day when we can see one another without fear, know the joy of conversation with friends, and be able to look forward once again with confidence.  If it sounds like a new season, it is.  As real as is this season of trouble, it will pass.  A new day will come.  It always has and always will.

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