Sunday, November 3, 2019

Seeing and Hearing

There are more words to hear through God's creation than a person has ears to hear.  And, there is more to see of God than anyone who walks the earth has eyes to see.  The creation speaks to us of God and reveals more of His presence than a life time of listening or seeing would allow us to know.  As it is, we might catch sight of some of it, but it is always going to be like the tip of the iceberg.  There will always be more out there in the unfolding Mystery than can be heard or seen.

As surely as the sun rises and makes its daily journey across the sky, God is present, God is evident, and God is revealing in our lives.  Our inability to fully experience this ever present divine reality in each moment and in any given hour is not the Creator's fault, but the created ones whose eyes are dimmed by the sight of lofty personal ambitions and whose ears are closed by the sound of accumulating silver coins.  This generation is not the first to deprive the soul of the revealing presence of the Holy One  and it will not be the last. 

In the Word of God there is a Word written by the Apostle Paul which speaks of the power of the creation to point those who see and hear toward the Creator.  In Romans 1:19-20 the Words speaks saying, "For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.  Ever since the creation of the world His eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things He has made."   The creation and the order which is a part of it is full of the Holy.  Some see.  Some do not.  But, whether we see or not, the unfolding plans of God for making Himself known to us is always before us, behind us, around us, and even within us. 

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