Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Saintly Stories

While it is certainly true that the Scripture has some deep theological sections which can even cause the scholars to scratch their heads as they try to understand what cannot be understood, it is also true that it is one great big story book.  From the Garden of Eden to the Isle of Patmos great stories abound.   Long before I had any inclination to delve into Job or Jeremiah, Romans or Ephesians, I became enthralled and captivated by the stories of the men and women who walked the pages of the Holy Word. 
It is interesting that there are so many stories of so many different kinds of people.  Some were deemed good and righteous and some were deemed unfaithful and evil.  There are stories which center on Abraham and all his clan, Moses and the Hebrew people, calling stories of prophets, birth announcement stories, stories filled with tragedy, and stories filled with people who dared to do the impossible.  The people of the Scripture are remembered in stories of their lives.  Even today their stories are told.
As we moved through a season of All Saints celebrations, it is good to remember the stories of those we remember.  We called their names on Sunday in a moment of scared remembrance.  It is also important to remember their stories.  Their stories include the way our lives were made different by their sacrifice, their love, and their hand upon our lives.  Their stories have changed our lives.  We are blessed because we knew them well enough to know their stories.  As we write the final words about this season of celebration and remembrance, may we take a moment to tell their stories, even if there is no one to hear, and to thank them and God for the stories they shared with us. 

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