Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Word

As long as I have been able to read, a Bible has been a part of my life.  Certainly, those early readings were far different than they are in the more recent days, but even as a boy I knew there was something special about what was found inside that zippered black book.  As I got older and started reading different Bibles, I came to understand that what I was reading was more than just entertainment.  Instead, it became a written Word which has shaped every part of my life.  As a preacher, there was no book I possessed which was more important. 
Whenever I preached there was always a copy of the Scripture open on the pulpit.  Most of the time it was the open oversized pulpit Bible.  While I never read from it, always it was a reminder of what I was supposed to be doing while standing behind that pulpit.  Standing behind the pulpit took away my right to say what I thought about certain things and mandated that I endeavor to speak only what the Word of God was saying.  Any authority I had as a preacher came from that book.  When I strayed from that narrow purpose, I ceased being faithful to my ordination vow to preach the Word.  Later on in my ministry that big pulpit Bible was carried in as a part of the opening procession and placed on the pulpit as a visible reminder to the people and the preacher that the Word of God was at the center of what we were doing.
I believe in the power of the Word of God.  I believe what Paul wrote to young Timothy, "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work."  (II Timothy 3:16-17)  I confess to having imperfect understanding of all it is saying.  I acknowledge I am sometimes confused by what seems to be its contradictions.  But, I will also profess I believe it to be more than just human thinking, but a sacred revelation of the mind and heart of God.  The Word of God has been a foundation since the beginning of my spiritual journey and will be till the journey of this life is done and completed.

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