Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Not a Singer

To paraphrase an Old Testament prophet, "I am not a singer, nor the son of a singer,"  but, I do like to sing.  My music training was done on a short row.  My first musical experience was in Mrs. Callahan's fifth grade class where I learned to play "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" on a plastic thing called a flutophone.  In college my roommate got me started with a guitar, an instrument which I played badly for several years.  And, then before finishing college, l learned a little about the innards of music with a conducting course that taught the rudimentary skills of reading notes and waving my hands in the air while others were tying to sing. 

But, I still love to sing.  And, I love to sing the most when I am surrounded by a crowd of people who are singing together in a service of worship to God.  In such a setting it is ok if you are not the best singer.  No one is really paying attention to the person beside them in the pew.  Well, maybe a little.  It is just that I have always felt that I could stand beside the skilled musician with the trained voice and still sing out with fervor and it was ok and acceptable.  I came to believe a long time ago that God is not taking notes about the quality of our singing hymns of praise to Him.  Instead, it is my opinion that our efforts, trained or untrained, bring joy to His heart.

It has always seemed to me that the congregational singing aspect of church life is one of those unique moments in our culture.  The only other place we sing together is at the beginning of sporting events.  But, at worship we sing.  We sing together.  We sing not for our neighbor, but for God.  It is a moment when the church seems at its best.  A singing church is a contagious community where people are not only encouraged to join in the music, but also to join the walk on the road called discipleship.  Let the church sing!  May it always sing!  And, you and me, too!

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