Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Really Big Word

When I went to Asbury College back in the fall of 1968, it was not something I was excited about doing.  I went because I believed it was where God was leading.  It was just not a leading I really wanted to follow.   Chapel was required three times a week and I found myself exposed to a lot of preaching.  And, much of the preaching was about being baptized in the Spirit, being filled with Spirit, or to use the Wesleyan theological word, sanctification. 
Now, I cannot truthfully say I never heard any preaching about sanctification before I went to Asbury.  I am sure it was being preached and I was likely not paying attention.  Such is fairer to say than to say the preachers back then never mentioned it in their sermons.  I do know that there was a wide streak of stubborn rebellion in my heart when I went to that school where holiness was a byword.  Thankfully, God did not cast me aside because of my stubborn heart, but continued to call me toward a spiritual life that was transformed into something far different than the one I carried with me to that place where that really big word was preached unashamedly.

Over the years of this journey with Christ, I have read and meditated much on what is meant by the theological word "sanctification."  Just when I seem to be arriving at understanding, I realize I have far to go.  Not too many days ago while reading a devotional of Oswald Chambers in "My Utmost for His Highest,"  I came across a simple word which sums it all up.  At least it sums it up for the moment.  "Sanctification is not my idea of what I want God to do for me; sanctification is God's idea of what He wants to do for me, and He has to get me into the attitude of mind and spirit where at any cost I will let Him sanctify me wholly."  As is always the case, Chambers says it better than me, and so I leave you with his words for further meditation.

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