Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Wish

One of the guys in the Disciple Bible Study group I lead recently sent an email excusing himself from the upcoming session. After offering a reason for his absence, Bill went on to write, "I am reading Acts for class and find it a fascinating book. There is so much information in it. I was very interested in Cornelius's vision and then Paul witnessing and the Gentiles receiving the Holy Spirit. Wow! And Paul...he traveled far and wide in the name of Jesus. It was very inspiring to read about all his experiences."
Bill, like some of the others around here, has not been a Christian as long as I have. There is a freshness about the faith of these folks that is so spiritually invigorating. I read his note and wished that I could read Acts again like it was the first time. While I am sure Bill has read Acts before, his response is more like someone who is reading and catching its excitement for the first time. I wish I could read the Scripture in such a way. After so many readings, it becomes easy to read the story without really reading the story; therefore, shortchanging the possibility of what the Spirit might be able to do with the reading of something read so many times.
Interestingly enough, I can remember the first time I really read the Scripture. I was a teenager in Alamo and the Lord, unknown to me at the moment, was drawing me toward Him in such a way that a life's journey of faith was about to begin. I can remember the amazement at some of the things I was reading. I can remember wondering if it could possibly be true! Would it not be a wonderful thing if our next reading of the Word would create as much excitement in our spirits as the reading of Acts did for Bill!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rev. Bill. What a great post. You certainly do pay attention to your flock. I have seen it with your interaction with others in Disciple. It seems that you delight in the spiritual growth of others around you. What a great quality for a spiritual leader to have!