Saturday, January 11, 2025

Wow and Amen

When reading the Word, we miss so much.  Sometimes we read a spell, see our reading time coming to an end, speed it up, and miss the Word that is glimmering and waiting to be seen.  On other occasions, we read our favorite stuff which we mostly have memorized and fail to get into what is mostly unknown territory for us as far as the Scripture is concerned.  Other times it seems that the Spirit just takes us up and sits us down with an admonition, "Read here!"  When we read a Word from the holy page and find ourselves breathing, "Wow!" what we know is how we got there is not nearly as important as getting there.  

Such is how it was when I stumbled over I Chronicles 29:14.  I must confess that it has been some time since I have done any reading in Chronicles and I must also confess that I was both surprised and blessed with the Word which glimmered among the black and white.  The larger context tells of a time when David's reign is coming to an end.  He is gathering an offering, a lavish one indeed, for Solomon to build the Temple.  After the gifts have been given, he speaks, saying, "But who am I and what is my people, that we should be able to make this freewill offering?  For all things come from You, and of Your own have we given You."  (I Chronicles 29:14).   Again, I will say, "Wow!"  Maybe a very loud, "Amen!" 

What a Word for us to hear.  Who are we to be so affluent?  How can we forget that everything, all things, come from our God who has blessed us beyond measure?  No matter how little, or how much we give, we give nothing which has not first come from His hands as a gift to us.  How can we hold so tightly to what He has given to us when there is such need around us?  When will we understand that what we hold or possess has first been given to us?  "Wow and Amen!"

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