Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Uninvited Guest

I did not hear him knocking.  I did not know he was there until I opened the front door.  And, to be honest, I did not see him at first.  What I saw at the bottom edge of my vision was a blur of something green moving as he hopped univited into the house.  I tried to catch that tiny green rain frog, but he was too fast.  Under the sofa he went.  I moved the sofa and behind a stack of books he hopped.  Since I was on my way to a scheduled appointment, there was not enough time to continue with the eviction so I shut the door and left him to have the run of the house.     

As I walked to the car, I thought of the old saying, "Turnabout is fair play."  To be out on a farm is to live in his world.  I suppose it is only fair that he be allowed to live in mine for a spell.  Of course, I would likely have felt differently if it had been a creature that slithered instead of hopped!  As it was I thought about those lines, "All creatures great and small, the Lord God made them all."  Once again I was reminded that I do not live alone in this holy creation which surrounds me.  It is easy to forget that we are a part of creation and not the center of it.    

For too many of our days we have lived with the false notion that the creation exists for our benefit when there is a strong thread of mutual dependence holding it together.  The creation is not here for us to use and exhaust and exploit, but to join with us in giving glory to the Creator.  And if we learn to see what cannot be seen and to hear what cannot be heard, we fill find that this creation filled with glorious sunsets and tiny green rain frogs is a means through which the Creator speaks and makes Himself known to us.  

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