Friday, December 21, 2018

Shepherds Out in the Field

I love those shepherds who were watching their flocks by night out there around Bethlehem so long ago.  They were just ordinary guys.  If the fields of Bethlehem had rednecks, maybe these guys were in that fold as well.  Minding their business is what they were doing when all heaven broke loose around them, or maybe, above them.  When the Word says, "...they were terrified...," (Luke 2:9), it is no surprise.  Who among us would not be terrified to have our comfortable space invaded by an angel of the Lord?  The picture I see in those words is a bunch of men sticking their faces into the dirt in fear!
And what is even more amazing than the angelic visitation is their response after things settled down.  When the angels disappeared into whatever it is that angels abide and the earth was once again dark and still, one of those guys must have looked at the others and said, "Let's go.  Let's go to Bethlehem!"   Off they went.  I have often wondered if they just left their sheep alone, or if one of the more timid souls volunteered to stay with the sheep instead of going into the village to find a baby boy.  What is important is that they went.  They went to see if what the angel said was true and when they arrived at the birthplace they told the young couple what had happened to them out there in the dark fields around Bethlehem.  And, then, they left with praise and worship on their lips and heart!

Praise and worship would be a wonderful thing to take with us when we come to that moment of seeing the reality of the Word becoming flesh among us.  The manger is not a setting for a nice story, or a once-a-year spectacle relived in primitive skits and elaborate drama, but a place where the heart of God intersected with the needs of a broken and sinful humanity.  It we let these days pass without a bit of fear and wonder, awe and worship, we most likely have missed the point of one of the most important events in all of human history. 

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