Sunday, December 23, 2018


I do not imagine the inn keeper ever realized that he was going to go through history as some guy who missed out on the opportunity of his life.  If he could have known, he might have thrown out one of his guest, or maybe not.  Who knows?  His guests were paying customers and the manger probably suited the pocket book of Joseph much better.  What surely is true is that there is some mercy in not knowing that we have missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime.  Knowing that we have missed out on some that were of less consequence is often painful enough.
Those of us who choose to believe in divine providence instead of mere coincidence must also believe that God is putting us on a course where meaningful opportunities will pave the way forward.  As we consider the reality that each day has God provides opportunities to accomplish something which speaks of His purpose for us, we quickly realize that there is something exciting to anticipate each day.  I often remember the author from some years ago who invited his readers to begin each day with the prayer, "Lord, what is it that You want me to do for You today.  Lord, know I am willing and ready."
Such a prayer is a lot different than the one which begins, "Lord, help me get through this day.  Stuff is really piling up."  As we rise each morning, is it with dread or anticipation?  Is it with fear, or excitement?  Is it knowing that God is going to provide some opportunity for us to share with Him in doing something which might just be life changing for someone we meet along the way?  We each choose the road we walk and we choose the attitude which carries us along. 

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