Monday, November 26, 2018

Not Getting It

As we read the gospels we are often amazed that the disciples did not get it.  Jesus kept saying things to them and it often seemed to simply go over their heads.  While He was talking to them about going to Jerusalem to die, they were pre-occupied with trying to determine who among them was the greatest.  When He was struggling in prayer in those last hours of His earthly life, they could not see the urgency of the hour and went to sleep.  And even after the resurrection, Thomas did not get what had happened even though Jesus had provided a spoiler alert and the rest of those who knew Him as he did told him what Jesus said would happen had happened. 
We are those who know the end of the story.  Not a one of us started out this journey of faith without knowing the whole story.  Before we set out we knew the beginning and the end.  It is strange that the end of the journey is often accompanied with an awareness that so much was missed along the way.  And, along with that awareness comes the distinct sense that there is even more to learn and know.  We have missed so much and are likely not going to be able to make it up because the wrong end of the hourglass is filled with too much sand.

As we walk the road ever closer to the end of our journey, we know that we are not really the ones to throw stones at the disciples for failing to get it.  Every now and again as we read the Scripture there comes a moment of such clarity that we cannot believe we have not seen a particular Word in the light we presently see it.  Maybe it is ok that we are like the disciples.  Maybe it is ok that we do not understand today what will be clearly seen tomorrow.  Maybe it is ok since each day we walk with Jesus, we are seeing Him and knowing Him through the window of a new experience never seen or known at any moment in our past. 

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