Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Heaven Came Down

Dressed in a head-to-toe white robe she stands there with head and shoulders thrown back.  Both arms are stretched out parallel to the ground beneath her and several blue birds are perched on either arm.  She is not a commanding figure, but then she is only a little under six inches tall.  For six or seven years her home and pedestal has been the tall chest in the corner of the bedroom.  I walk by her going to and from the bed, but have never really seen least not until this morning.
This morning I was literally stopped in my tracks as I saw this Willow Tree figurine named "Happiness" for what is surely the first time.  The rising sun was pouring through the bedroom window and the place where she stood was lit up by its  bright blaze.   It first seemed to me that she was embracing the new day and its sun with her arms outstretched and her head thrown back.  And, then, as I took the second look, I saw the perfect shadow she was casting upon the wall behind her. The sun was lighting up her face and behind her was what looked like the place where the One who called Himself the Light of the World died.
It was no longer just an ordinary trek from the bed to the kitchen.  I sat down and watched as the sun slipped higher and higher and the bright illuminating light passed over her bringing to close a moment of holy morning glory.  For those fifteen or so minutes, the room was filled with the Holy.  I will never be able to pass by her again without remembering those few minutes when light filled the room and the glory of heaven seemed to invade it.  When some inanimate object is so used to bring the glory of God with all His holiness into our space, it is never seen the same again.  Every morning now as the sun streams in the bedroom window, my opening eyes will be drawn toward her to see if once again heaven has broken in upon the earth. 

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